vi vrici lojbo fi'e mi .i so'umei gi'e ku'i plixau .i .ai.a'o lo zmadu baza vi zvati fi'o se sruma lo du'u lo crutcini cu fasnu .i pu lonu go'i kei ti pirosi'e loi lojbo selpo'e be mi
- Vlasisku — a CGI form for searching the official Lojban word lists by one or more criteria
- Jvozba — a CGI form for making tanru into lujvo and splitting lujvo back up into tanru
- Links to other useful Lojban resources, for a given value of "useful," of course
- An incomplete categorization of the Lojban gismu into semantic categories (plants, colors, materials, etc.)
- A chart of all Lojbanic consonants pairs, indicating which are initial, which are invalid, and which are just boring
- A table of SE conversion strings and the place structures that they correspond to
- A patch for the most recent version of the official Lojban parser which replaces the Yacc error-recovery trick with precedence rules in order to better implement elidable terminators