Welcome to yet another minimalist, nerdy, poorly written, & rarely updated personal website. Eventually, you might find here a host of informative & concise explanatory documents that finally let you understand the world (or at least computers), but at this rate that's a long way off. For now, you'll just have to be content with these few quick write-ups of stuff:
- A brief introduction to the Brainf*ck programming language
- Source code for a few small programs that I have written
- A list of commands specific to the SDF Public Access UNIX System, on which this site is hosted
- vrici lojbo — various Lojban things
- Collected lambda calculus functions
- A complete chart of all of the predefined digraphs in Vim.
- My Gopherspace — assuming that you have a Gopher client, of course
- Contact information for those who wish to mock me directly